United Way

United Way

Does YOUR Company hold a United Way Campaign? Did you know that each United Way office is completely independent? Although there is a worldwide United Way organization, that entity does NOT raise or distribute funds to any local United Way organization. The Sherburne County United Way serves the majority of our school’s population. However, the Greater Twin Cities United Way serves our families located in Hennepin county, and the Wright County United Way serves those families.


The United Way wants you to GIVE WHERE YOU LIVE! This is very important to all of us! Many of our families live in Elk River, but work in Hennepin County. If you give to the United Way through your workplace, please be sure to designate to your LOCAL United Way to ensure YOUR living community has the funds they need to support its programs. You can write this on your pledge form or put the request in writing to the campaign coordinator. If you are unsure of your local United Way, you can indicate on your pledge card that you would: “Like my funds to support the local United Way organization that serves my zip code of XXXXX.”


Spectrum is just beginning a valuable partnership with the Sherburne County United Way. There are many opportunities for our families, students and staff to plug in! We will share more as these details develop.

In addition, Spectrum will be engaging in the next round of grant opportunities with the Sherburne County United Way. Since their funding program focuses on health, income and EDUCATION, we feel confident that Spectrum has some highly eligible programs that are worthy of funding.


If your desire is to give to Spectrum on an ongoing basis, using a donation option that gives to the school directly, www.GiveMN.org is the most cost effective for us. That said, we know the United Way workplace campaigns are compelling, and company matches (though available in both scenarios) can be more convenient by using your paycheck deduction option. We get it!!

Bottom line, if you participate in your workplace United Way Campaign, please consider designating to Spectrum High School, or at the very least, to the Sherburne County United Way in general, if you live in Sherburne County. Most important—THANK YOU FOR GIVING!!!