Spectrum Curriculum & Instruction Overview

The Spectrum Teaching and Learning  Framework is designed to create a learning environment that is fair and impartial which serves to ensure that all learners have the capacity to transfer their knowledge to real world scenarios equipped with the skills and competencies to become contributing members of a global society.

Spectrum Student Profile

Spectrum Instructional Framework: AVID, The Foundation

That no matter what post secondary path a high school graduate chooses, they must develop certain essential skills to design their own futures:critical thinking, collaboration, reading, writing, and relationship building. The development of these skills is rooted in belief in self. If students believe they are capable, there is a foundational confidence to learn and a resiliency to overcome setbacks. When educators believe in students, learning and confidence are activated. With teacher support for developing a growth mindset and the academic skills they need for future success, students grow to see their capabilities and find their own way. ~ AVID

AVID, which stands for Advancement Via Individual Determination, is a nationwide, nonprofit college readiness system. AVID's guiding principle is as follows: Hold students accountable to the highest standards, provide academic and social support, and they will rise to the challenge.  

This provides the foundation for Spectrum’s Instructional Framework. Students are empowered through AVID's focus on the growth of critical academic skills and behaviors. 
With students being the focus, Spectrum has identified and defined seven competencies within the Spectrum Student Profile that support AVID’s guiding principles regarding college and career readiness.

A student who graduates from our program is:


 A Globally Competent Individual

Students will possess an informed global perspective; able to identify and analyze world views while conveying pride in their identity, heritage, and history.


  A Responsible, Engaged Citizen

Students will demonstrate a high level of integrity and principled action; with empathy and compassion, intentionally helping to meet the needs of the community as a whole.


An Effective Communicator and Collaborator

Students will possess strong social and interpersonal skills; effectively communicating with others in academic and social settings, both as a leader and contributor.


A Critical Thinker

Students will demonstrate intellectual creativity and curiosity through critical analysis of informational sources. 


An Authentic Learner

Students will acknowledge personal challenges and will advocate appropriately; persisting through adversity and seeking opportunities for growth. 


An  Innovative and Creative Problem Solver

Students will develop and propose solutions while engaging in real-world audiences and scenarios. 

A Mindful Decision Maker

Students will actively maintain a healthy balanced life through informed choices while adapting to new and challenging situations; accepting responsibility for personal choices and learning from failures. 


AVID Instructional Framework


The AVID Instructional Framework provides opportunities through which students can gain these competencies.


The AVID Instructional Framework affects schoolwide change by transforming practices and beliefs in the four domains listed below.

Instruction: Instruction is how we facilitate learning.  Best instructional practices are used to ensure that all students have the opportunity for improved academic performance.

Systems: Systems are what we create.  Educational systems are examined, developed, refined and aligned to lead to improved academic student performance.  

Leadership: Leadership is what we do. Educational leaders collaborate to set a common vision and ensure that students have the best educational opportunities in all classrooms. 

Culture: Culture is what we allow. Schools focus on beliefs and behaviors which promote college readiness and high expectations for all.

Both students and educators play an instrumental role in building relational capacity which ensures that educators do what they need to do to meet the academic needs of all students; equipping them with the knowledge, skills, and attributes to successfully navigate the college and career of their choice and positively impact the world around them.