Important 2024-2025 District E-mails
Below you can find copies of vital e-mails that Spectrum has sent out to the Spectrum community during the 2024-2025 school year. This is a great resource for families who are joining us throughout the school year.
We are halfway through the summer and preparations are well under way for the upcoming school year.
Please see the attached communication for updates on the following:
1. Fall Athletics Registration and Required Meeting
2. Important Upcoming Dates
3. 2024-2025 Student Supply Lists
4. Job Opportunities @ Spectrum
5. New Activities Director
6. Traffic and Road Construction
7. Student High School Parking Permits
8. Math/Spanish Placement Testing for New High School Students
9. Infiinite Campus Online Registration Required by July 30 for All Returning Students
10. Busing/Transportation - Must be completed for all returning students by July 30 to be included on a route
11. Spectrum Enrollment
12. Notice from the Minnesota Department of Education
13. Spectrum Gear/Clothing Online Ordering - Due by July 28
Spectrum families,
While all school meals will continue to be free to all students this school year, Spectrum highly encourages all families who qualify for free and reduced benefits under the federal guidelines to continue filling out the application and submitting it prior to the start of the school year.
Note: A new application must be submitted each year. The updated Educational Benefits Application is available on the school website.
Here a handful of additional benefits for families, their students, and the school when qualifying families
complete and submit their applications:
• Spectrum receives government grant funding based on the number of attending students who qualify
for free and reduced benefits. This funding can be $30,000-$50,000 and helps to pay for staffing of
courses that serve the needs of students performing below grade level. Other federal grants often tie
to these applications as well.
• Families who qualify for free and reduced benefits (based on the completed applications) have
access to discounted fees on school-related field trips and activities.
• Other low cost or free opportunities may include fees for certain types of educational testing.
Please see the attached communication for important updates about the following:
1. Open House (tomorrow)
2. Student Schedules
3. Dress Code
4. Supply Lists
5. Busing
6. Spectrum Gear/Clothing Ordering
7. School Breakfast/Lunch Program (including Educational Benefits)
8. Drop Off and Pick Up Instructions (Traffic Control)
9. Important Upcoming Dates
See attached communication for more details and Drop-Off Maps.
* Doors open at 7:00 a.m.
*Students eating breakfast should go directly to the cafeteria when they arrive.
*Students will start their day in Advisory at 7:25 a.m.
*Please review the Drop off and Pick Up Directions (see attached).
-Everyone dropping off at 7/8 or the HS should enter Industrial Circle off of Twin Lakes Rd. from the north.
-For safety reasons, please avoid turning left into the high school requiring you to cross over traffic.
-Those dropping off and picking up at 6th grade should enter and exit Industrial Circle from the south off of Twin Lakes Rd.
-If dropping off students for multiple buildings, it is best to choose one building to drop off and then have your students walk to their building(s).
* Bus riders - Please be prepared 10-15 minutes before your scheduled pick up time. Also, it typically takes up to two weeks for routes to settle in as they determine who will be riding from those who requested transportation, adjust for traffic, etc.
Please see the attached communication with updates on the following important items:
-Late Start Mondays (starting next week)
-Employment Opportunities
-Upcoming Dates
-Importance of Direct Communication
-Last Picture Day (Sept. 13)
-Bus Tracking App
-School Breakfast/Lunch Reminders
-Construction Update
-Veterans Day Speaker Being Sought
Please see the attached communication for important updates regarding the following:
1. Job opportunities @ Spectrum
2. Seeking a Graduation Speaker
3. Approval of 5th Grade for 2025-2026 (and Enrollment Application)
4. Construction Update
Please see the attached communication with information on the following:
1. Construction Update - Starting Monday
2. School on MLK Day - Monday
3. Cold/Flu season - Tissues Needed
4. School fees - Tax Preparation Documentation
5. Seeking a Graduation Speaker
6. 5th Grade Approved and Application Process - Spread the Word!
Important 2023-2024 District E-mails
Below you can find copies of vital e-mails that Spectrum has sent out to the Spectrum community during the 2023-2024 school year. This is a great resource for families who are joining us throughout the school year.
Please see the attached communication for information on the following:
(1) Open House; (2) Fall Athletics; (3) Student Schedules; (4); Supply Lists; (5) Busing; (6) Spectrum Gear; (7) Employment Opportunities; (8) Online Registration; (9) New Breakfast/Lunch Program and Caterer; (10) Educational Benefits; and (11) Important Dates
School districts across the state are seeking creative ways to fill remaining teaching staff positions for the upcoming school year. Spectrum is doing the same.
We are reaching out today for your help in filling three teacher openings at Spectrum:
(1) Middle School Art (with some HS art electives);
(2) 6th Grade Language Arts; and
(3) Middle School Technology.
Spectrum is a great place to work with amazing families, staff, and students!
If you know a teacher looking for a change or someone with a four year degree (any field) that has considered exploring teaching, please have them contact Dan DeBruyn, Executive Director, a.s.a.p. at (763) 450-9845 or ddebruyn@ This is also a great opportunity for someone looking to further their education since Spectrum will pay for the master's program! We also work with applicants to obtain the necessary teaching license.
More information on open positions and applications can be found on Spectrum's website here.
Thank you for helping us maintain safe and efficient traffic flow. Here are a number of important updates that have come up in the first two days:
1. We anticipate that cones will be set up at the crosswalk between the 6th and 7/8 buildings during drop off and pick up times starting after Labor Day. This means there will be no through-traffic allowed in the alley during drop-off and pick-up. It will be important to establish a pattern of only using the entrances and exits designated for your student(s) school building (i.e., 6th grade should use the south entrance and 7/8 the north entrance from Industrial Circle).
2. Families with students in multiple buildings should choose one building for drop-off and pick-up and have their other students walk. This will lessen traffic congestion. Middle school siblings riding with a high school student driver are encouraged to walk to their building from the high school student parking lot in the morning. They will also meet their ride in the high school student parking lot after school. Student drivers are dismissed after the buses leave.
3. No pick-up or drop-off should take place in the lot between the 6th and 7/8 buildings . Spectrum does not own the lot as it is shared with neighboring businesses. There are numerous open spots on the outside of the 7/8 parking lot that can be used for this purpose.
4. Drivers entering the high school lot should enter from the north (making a right turn) whenever possible. This helps cars to avoid going through the crosswalk on Industrial Circle or making a left hand turn across traffic.
5. Consider adjusting pick up times, when possible. Pick up time only takes around 10 minutes once students are dismissed. Parents/guardians wanting to avoid pick-up lines or lengthly lines entering Twin Lakes Road should consider arriving at 2:35 p.m.
Please see the attached communication with important updates on the following:
1. School Picture Days - including this Friday
2. IT Updates: Absences and Chromebook Insurance
3. Ready for School Protocol
4. Veterans Day Program Speaker Request
5. Reminders about Late Start Mondays
6. Update on NEW Physical Education Field Construction
7. Employment Opportunities
8. Important Upcoming Dates/Events
9. Reader's Choice Voting - Star News
Please see the attached communication for important updates from Spectrum.
Please see the attached communication for important updates on the following items:
1. Transition and Growth - Athleitcs, Activities, and Facilities
2. Job Oppportunities
3. Spread the Word - Enrollment Applications Due
4. Seeking a Graduation Speaker
5. High School Student IDs
6. School Improvement Team Member Interest
7. Sign Up for Texts about Busing and Weather-related (or other) Emergencies
8. Thanks for voting Spectrum "Best Charter School"!
Please see the attached communication for updates from Spectrum:
1. Construction Update
2. Ready for School Protocol Reminder
3. School Board Recognition
4. School Board Election Reminder
5. Job Opportunities
6. Spread the Word - Spectrum enrollment
Please see the attached communication for important school updates regarding the following items:
1. Upcoming Football Meetings (Student and Parent);
2. Conferences - March 7 and 12;
3. Spring Stingwear on Sale Now;
4. School Board Elections; and
5. Job Opportunities.
Please review the following information for important updates from Spectrum
1. Dress code
2. Conferences - Tuesday, March 12
3. School Board elections
4. Job Opportunities
5. Update "Ready for School" Protocol
Please see the attached communication with an update on construction taking place on Highway 169 (scope and timeframe of work). Students, staff, and families will want to monitor this work closely and adjust their times accordingly.
Spectrum will continue to monitor construction and share any additional information as it becomes available.
Please see the attached communication with important updates on the following:
1. 2023-2024 Parent/Guardian Climate Survey (please complete)
2. Construction Updates and Thank You
3. Summer EBT Program (from MDE)
Please see the attached communication for important updates in the following areas:
1. Communication with the School Board;
2. Newly Elected School Board Members;
3. 2024-2025 School Year Calendar;
4. Men's Basketball;
5. Events Coordinator Position;
6. Activities Director and Director of Operations Positions; and
7. Spectrum Considering Addition of 5th Grade.
As previously noted, the Spectrum School Board is considering adding 5th grade for the 2025-2026 school year. We are asking any parents/guardians who may have interest in learning more or potentially enrolling their student in 5th grade in 2025-2026 (or later) to please complete the short Interest Form (see attached).
Please also help us get the word out by sending the attached communication to people in the community you think may be interested.
Dan DeBruyn
Executive Director
Please see the attached communication for updates on the following:
1. Summer wishes
2. Summer Camp and Practice Opportunities
3. 2024-2025 Calendar
4. Events Coordinator Position
5. Congratulations to the Class of 2024!